Source: 2nd Green Revolution
With an extra day this year, February gets its quadrennial opportunity to step up and fill its 29 days with as many events as possible. With that in mind, there are a number of domestic events jammed into February.
Take a look at the conferences and symposiums below. They range from a solar conference in San Francisco to one focusing on organic farming in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
Here are a few of the events happening around the world:
CONFERENCE: PHOTON?s Solar Terawatt-hours Conference Series 2012 USA
When: Feb 1 ? 2, 2012
Where: San Francisco, California
Description: The conference series, which will take place in San Francisco, attracts international decision makers from the PV sector as well as start-up companies. The event focuses on current developments, trends and prognoses. Presentations and podium discussions go far beyond the basics.
Further details:?http://www.photon.info/photon_conf_USA2012_info_en.photon
When: Friday, Feb 10, 2012
Where: Orlando, Florida
Description: Speakers will explore economic, legal and personal models for honoring ?a sense of place? with sustainable businesses, micro-lending, ?green? economy/energy jobs, and other initiatives that help create true wealth in today?s world.
Further details:?http://earthjuris.org/
CONFERENCE: EnerCan West: Energy and the Environment
When: Feb 13 ? 14, 2012
Where: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Description: This year?s conference is all about energy and the environment, and will feature plenary sessions discussing cutting-edge innovations, best practices, and approaches to the urgent problems and issues that the environmental and energy industries face in our carbon-challenged world. Current research and examples of technology in action will also be offered in breakout sessions organized into two tracks, Oil & Gas & Energy and Other Energies & Fuels, as well as in poster presentations and trade show exhibits.
Further details:?http://enercanwest.com/
23rd annual MOSES Organic Farming Conference
When: Feb 23 ? 25, 2012
Where: La Crosse, Wisconsin
Description: The MOSES Organic Farming Conference is the largest organic farming conference in the U.S. Organized by the Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES), and held annually in La Crosse, WI, the OFC is an extraordinary, farmer-centered event. With over 65 informative workshops, 160 exhibitors, locally-sourced organic food, live entertainment and inspirational keynote speakers, the OFC is celebrated as the foremost educational and networking event in the organic farming community.
Further details:?http://www.mosesorganic.org/conference.html
Colorado Environmental Film Festival
When: Feb 23 ? 25, 2012
Where: 710 10th Street ? Golden, Colorado
Description: We accepted over 130 films from around the world! Our committee has selected 53 films that explore interconnected ecological, social and economic themes of our day and reflect our focus in this year of change. Click?here?for a dynamic and sortable list of our Official 2012 Festival Selections.
Further details:?http://www.ceff.net/
2nd Annual Green Schools National Conference
When: Feb 27 ? 29, 2012
Where: Denver, CO
Description: Be a part of the only national gathering of K-12 leaders and educators coming together to make their schools and districts green & healthy centers of academic excellence.
- IDENTIFY ways to save money by ?Going Green?
- DISCOVER new and diverse sources of funding for your green schools projects
- EXPLORE the Green Marketplace to find green and healthy products & services at special discounted rates
- NETWORK with and meet like-minded peers from across the country
- FIND other schools and organizations to partner with on projects and grants
- EXPERIENCE exciting new resources for your students.
Further details:?http://www.greenschoolsnationalconference.org/index.php
Source: http://www.greenconduct.com/news/2012/02/01/february-2012-clean-energy-and-sustainability-events/
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